24hours Odaimoku to heal the world May 16th 

The Shodai-Center (Yoshoji-temple) is in charge of

Monday, May 16, 2022   10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.(Japan Time) 

Broadcasted on Face book “24hours Odaimoku offering to heal the world

<About 24Hrs Odaimoku offering to heal the world> This project was initiated by the Rev. Ervinna Myoufu of Nichiren Shu’s Lotus Temple in Jakarta, Indonesia, soon after the pandemic of the new coronavirus broke out, and she called on Nichiren Shu temples around the world to pray together for the healing of the world. The event has been held since the beginning of the year. Our temple has participated from the beginning. 

Please visit the “24 hours Odaimoku offering to heal the world” on Face book on the day of the event.

<Topic> 1)ー3)

1) The Dialogue by Rev.Daiho Saito & Rev.Koshi Kojima “What is Prayer? Part 2”・Why do we pray?・Effectiveness and Limitations of Prayer ・Buddha’s Way Beyond the Limits of Prayer  ・Why we should Chant Odaimoku now? ・・・10:00-11:00  

↓ the video of the last session on April 17.

Daiho Saito : Chief Priest of Yoshoji-temple, Former psychiarist, Director, REN Institute of Practical Psychology  / Koshi Kojima : Nichirenshu priest, Former high school teacher(Japanese), Lecturer at Yomiuri Culture Center

2)The Chanting together  11:00-12:00   ↓the video of the last session on April 17.

3) The Prayer by Shodai-Hokke Sammadhi 12:00-13:00  ↓the video on April 17.

Our temple’s prayer is “Chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.It may seem like simply repeating the same thing, Namu-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, but it is not. When we chant Namu-Myoho-Renge-Kyo with all our hearts, our ego-consciousness is transcended and we become one with the Eternal Buddha, the Odaimoku, a message from the Eternal Buddha, wells up in us living in the present moment.

※ You can see the 24Hrs Odaimoku offering to heal the World on Face book on the day of the event.

(1) 24 hours Odaimoku offering to heal the world | Facebook