<はじめに : “Odaimoku offering to spread peace to the entire world 世界中に平和を広める御題目” について>
この企画は、新型コロナウィルスパンデミックが起こって間もなく、和歌山県 本光寺の野田 寛行 上人・インドネシア ジャカルタ 日蓮宗 蓮華寺のエルフィーナ・妙布 上人が発起人となって世界中の日蓮宗寺院に「世界を癒すために一緒に祈りましょう」と呼びかけたところ多くの参加者が現れ、2020年5月より、24hours Odaimoku to heal the world : 世界を癒す4時間御題目 として毎月行われています。「世界を癒す24時間御題目」は、2023 年4月28日より「世界全体に平和を広める御題目 : Odaimoku offering to spread peace to the entire worl」に名称変更されました。
<Introduction : About “Odaimoku offering to spread peace to the entire world”>
This project was initiated by Priest Kangyo Noda of Honko-ji Temple in Wakayama Prefecture and Priest Ervinna Myofu of Renge-ji Temple, Nichiren Shu, Jakarta, Indonesia, soon after the pandemic of the new coronavirus occurred, and they called on Nichiren Shu temples around the world to pray together for the healing of the world. Since May 2020, “24hours Odaimoku to heal the world” has been held every month”. The name of “24hours Odaimoku to heal the world” has been changed to “Odaimoku offering to spread peace to the entire worl” from April 28, 2023.
<The features of this chant>
In this video, there are dynamic changes and movements of my voice and hands. This is based on the profound Samadhi, the embodiment of the Buddha’s ultimate enlightenment, “ichinen sanzen” as expressed by Tendai, and is not based on personal inspiration, ritualistic gestures, or even arbitrary movements.
<Impressions of this time>
It has been three years since the Odaimoku Relay began. During that time, Nichiren Shu people around the world have prayed like this every month without fail. I think it is a very precious thing. What I have experienced and felt again through participating in the Odaimoku offering and chanting Odaimoku is that there are still many people and souls in the world who are suffering because they are unable to find the Buddha Dharma. I felt that further devotion and ingenuity are needed. Therefore, let us all chant from now on, and let us strengthen our devotion to expand the circle of chanting.