世界中に平和を広めるお題目 4/28

“世界中に平和を広めるお題目” Odaimoku offering to spread peace to the entire world
無邊行山 要唱寺
住職 斉藤 大法(蓮華院大法日立)は、講話と唱題の祈りを捧げた。

令和5年 寒中修行 第二段


☆当寺院の唱題プラクティスとは?  この動画をご覧の皆様の中には、私の唱題に対して驚きと不審の思いを抱く方もあることでしょう。儀式の中の一定のリズムと音程で唱えられる一般的な唱題とは、大いに異なる様相を呈していると感じることでしょう。「合掌が基本ではないのか、合掌を崩していいのか?大法さんは、踊っているのか? 歌っているのか?またある方は、頭がおかしくなっているのではないか?」と思うかも知れません。ええ、私も合掌で一文字一文字踏みしめるように音吐朗々と唱えることは、基本だと思っています。むしろわたしは、合掌を「仏陀と我々衆生が出会う、統一された重要な姿形」としてとても重視しているのです。  そこでこの唱題について少し解説させていただきます。もちろん合掌は基本中の基本ですが、唱題の真髄は成仏であり、そのことが顕現された時には、そこに止まるものではないのです。妙法蓮華経の中の「現一切色身三昧」とは如何なる状態でしょうか? それは、法華三昧の異名(別名)、或いは「一念三千の体現」とも言われています。御題目と言う仏の種が、育ち開花した一つの姿(状態)なのです。  本寺院の唱題は、わたくし大法が、御題目の修行僧として精神科医(意識科学の専門家)として、清明な意識のもと徹底した唱題修行によって得られた法華三昧によります。換言すると、それは一念三千という永遠の仏陀の究極の悟りの世界の体験です。それは、心のみの体験ではなく一念三千の世界が壮大な音声の変化と身体の動きとして表出されるのです。しかも個人的体験に止まらず、化他としての唱題として現われるのです。すべて妙法の力であって、個人的な霊感や霊媒の世界では、ありません。


Zoom Chanting Practice in cold season 2023

International Shodai-Practice center in Muhengyozan Yoshoji-Temple 

I,Daiho, first encountered Shodai-Practice more than 35 years ago on January 8, during a cold season. It was the day that marked a turning point in my life. I had no idea what Namu-Myoho-Renge-Kyo meant, but when I chanted it with everyone, I experienced a deep and profound peace that I had never experienced before in my life. My teacher told me that this was the Lotus Samadhi. As I continued the practice, a world unfolded in which I actually experienced each letter of the Lotus Sutra. I was so moved by this wonder and splendor that I later became an ordained priest and devoted myself to chanting and practicing Namu-Myoho-Renge-Kyo in the way that would lead me and others to enlightenment.

If you would like to participate this “Zoom Chanting Practice in cold season 2023”, please send your name and your intention to participate to the E-mail address below.

(Time) Everyday(Except Sunday), 08:00-09:00PM(Japan time), Juanuary 2023

In principle: Cameras may be turned off, muted, or turned on.

<The features of our Chanting Practice>

  1. The Shodai-Practice method is based on the Lotus Sutra and the teachings of Nichiren Shonin.
  2. It is not a mere reenactment of the classical teachings, but rather a way to open the way to solutions to the problems of people living today.
  3. The priest Daiho, a former psychiatrist, also takes into account modern scientific and psychological perspectives.
  4. There is no need to become a so-called believer or member, and it is up to the individual to choose whether or not to participate. (Participation or withdrawal during the course of the program is also permitted.)

Chanting Odaimoku is the main focus. Sometimes I give a short commentary. However, this is in Japanese. I may also give a few explanations in English. I believe that chanting Odaimoku can be shared well enough. Please obtain the merits of the Myoho through it.

(Participation fee) None in particular. We would greatly appreciate it if you could make a voluntary donation for the maintenance and development of this chanting service and the temple’s activities as a whole. Please send your donation to

If you wish to participate (even if you participated last month), please let us know (your name and your wish to participate) at the following email address of Yochoji and we will reply with the URL, ID, passcode, etc. for participating in the Zoom Chating Practice.

In principle, participants will turn off and mute their cameras (I will not be visible on the screen). (Only I (Daiho) will be on the screen, so each participant will be practicing chanting as if it were a one-on-one session with me.)

In the event of any changes or cancellations, please check the first page of the Yoshoji website as soon as possible.